Pulumi Infrastructure as Code Workshop

Learn Infrastructure as Code concepts through a series of hands-on labs, using Pulumi on AWS and Kubernetes.

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1 day
Instructor-led, hands-on exercises
Bring your own (installation instructions will be sent prior to course start)

Learn all about Infrastructure as Code: from concepts, to serverless and container technologies, including several hands-on labs to teach you best practices for managing infrastructure in public cloud and Kubernetes.

BigData Boutique are hosting Paul Stack from the Pulumi team who will deliver this hands-on workshop on Infrastructure as Code, and how to use Pulumi to achieve modern infrastructure provisioning and management patterns.

We will begin with an introduction talk, briefly covering a number of topic, and then transition to hands-on labs to teach you the practicalities of using infrastructure as code to manage public cloud infrastructure on AWS and Kubernetes. You will leave knowing everything you need to be successful with infrastructure as code in your team.

This workshop will be delivered in English only, and will be all hands-on - so bring your laptop.


Participants will leave this workshop with a better understanding of modern cloud architectures, the role infrastructure as code has to play in them, and with actionable best practices you can bring back to your teams today.


DevOps and programming experience required.


  • Networking and clustering.
  • containers and Kubernetes.
  • Serverless.
  • Immutable infrastructure.
  • Automated delivery.
  • Policy as code.
  • Intro to Pulumi.
  • Provisioning infrastructure.
  • Versioning infrastructure.
  • Scaling applications.
  • Building and publishing container images.
  • Packaging and reusing infrastructure best practices.

Ready to get started?

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